Kubah National Park 库巴国家公园

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Kubah National Park is an easy and enjoyable day trip from Kuching.  Situated on a small sandstone plateau, this small park (2,230 ha.) boasts crystal clear streams and a host of small waterfalls and bathing pools. Kubah is mostly covered by mixed dipterocarp forest, but it also has one of the widest selections of palms and orchids in Borneo.  The varied wildlife includes bearded pig, mouse deer, black hornbill and many species of amphibians and reptiles. However, Kubah’s wildlife tends to stay deep in the forest so it is not really a park for “wildlife encounters” (Bako is unbeatable in that respect). The appeal of Kubah National Park lies in its rainforest scenery, its waterfalls, streams and bathing pools and the 93 species of palm found within its boundaries.

坐落在一座砂岩高原之上,这座占地约莫2230公顷的 库巴国家公园 是从古晋出发的游客一日游的绝佳选择。公园内清澈的小溪与一众小瀑布,可供游客欢愉地嬉水;龙脑香森林里,蕴藏了无数婆罗洲品种的棕榈树和胡姬花,静待游客发掘。栖息于这片森林中,有婆罗洲独有的须猪与鼷鹿,还有于树木间盘旋的犀鸟;溪边也孕育了丰富的两栖类和爬行类生态。尽管如此,由于动物们都于森林深处活动,因此这座公园并不是为了参观这些动物而设的,若有心于野生的婆罗洲动物奇遇,峇哥国家公园才是不二选择。而库巴国家公园之美,是属于安静的雨林风景:溪流瀑布潺潺,供人嬉水玩乐;93种棕榈树与热带植物茂盛生长,待人细品欣赏。

Follow Guided trek to Kubah National Park headquarters, passing through some of the most impressive rainforest scenery in Sarawak. Along the way visitors will pass clear jungle waterfalls and see dozen of fascinating plant species, including rare palms, orchids and pitcher plants.




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