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Bako National Park is a national park in Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. Established in 1957, it is the oldest national park in Sarawak. It covers an area of 27.27 square kilometres at the tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula at the mouth of the Bako and Kuching Rivers. It is approximately 40 kilometres by road from Kuching. Millions of years of erosion of the sandstone have created a coastline of steep cliffs, rocky headlands and stretches of white, sandy bays. Wave erosion at the base of the cliffs has carved many of the rocky headlands into fantastically shaped sea arches and sea stacks with colored patterns formed by iron deposition. The most famous of them is shaped like a cobra’s head which can be spotted on a boat ride from the headquarters or one of the beaches. Some of these rock formations can be seen on entry to the Teluk Assam Beach, which fronts the park. The park can only be reached by a 20-minute boat ride from the village of Kampung Bako.
峇哥国家公园,自1957年成立,是历史最悠久,砂拉越最受欢迎的国家公园之一。距离古晋市约37km,使用陆路和船路用时约一个半小时。它2728公顷的区域为沙捞越森林和野生动物提供了完美的场所。不像其他的公园,游览峇哥国家公园几乎可以保证看到野生动物,如长尾猕猴,松鼠,白胡子野猪,银叶猴等。总共有17个走道,从0.2公里到5.75公里的距离,你会发现,几乎在每一个不同地方都可以探索到全新的体验。若要看见只能在婆罗洲岛中发现的长鼻猴,你需要慢慢地走,尽量保持安静,并注意四周环境的声音和动作。在峇哥国家公园,你还可以看到其中不同种类的植物,像是低地龙脑香林。探索Pandan Kecil走道的话,你会发现很多食肉植物,像是猪笼草。你也可以在走到尽头看到最著名的岩层。包含午餐和晚餐。之后留宿于峇哥国家公园。
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