Matang Wildlife 马当野生动物保护中心

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Matang Wildlife Centre, part of Kubah National Park, houses endangered wildlife in large enclosed areas of rainforest or spacious cages. The main attraction is the orangutan adoption programme, where young orangutans, who were either orphaned or rescued from captivity, are taught how to survive in the wild.  As well as orangutans, the centre includes spacious enclosures housing sambar deer, crocodiles, sun bears, civets and bear cats, and three large aviaries featuring hornbills, eagles, kites, storks and a host of other birds native to Sarawak.

But, Matang is not a zoo. It is a dedicated centre where endangered species, such as orang utans are rehabilitated and released into the forest. Most individuals were confiscated from members of the public, who illegally kept them as pets, and must be taught how to fend for themselves in the wild.While they are being educated, they remain at the centre, enabling you to get close to animals you might not spot in days of wandering the jungle.

马当野生动物保护中心 ,占地180公顷,坐落于库巴国家公园西部,庇护着各种受保护动物。说起马当野生动物保护中心,自然就不得不提人猿,一个只有在婆罗洲和苏门答腊才能遇见它们的生物。当然,马当野生动物保护中心并不是展示人猿的动物园,而是一所致力于研究和保护濒临绝种的野生物种,包括人猿。中心里的人猿大多数是在野外遇险获救,或失去双亲而无法自行生存,并收留在中心里接受康复疗程。


Matang Wildlife Centre is located 35KM from Kuching City and is the biggest attraction at the Kubah National Park.; The enclosed area of the rainforest is home to endangered wildlife.

*8.30am Pick up at City hotel (meet at lobby)


*40 minutes journey


*9.40 am Arrive at Matang Wildlife Centre


*Guide tour around the center to view other animals and orangutan.


*12.30pm – Transfer back and drop off at City hotel


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