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Rattan 藤条

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Rattan is one of the most durable jungle products found until today.  Whole longhouses can be put and hold together by a single string of rattan – a palm species, which trunk is bendable and suitable for weaving.

And don’t forget the ever popular Sarawak rattan mats – not only are they comfortable, they are also beautiful and of high quality. Woven rattan baskets are made of different jungle creepers, fibres, stems and leaves for the usage in the daily life of tribal people: storing paddy seeds, harvesting, gathering of jungle vegetables and fish traps.

藤条是迄今为止最耐用的丛林产品之一。 整个长屋可以通过一串藤而构造 – 一种棕榈树种,这种树干是可弯曲的.

不要忘记日益受欢迎的砂拉越藤地毯 – 不仅舒适,也美丽和高品质。 编织藤篮由不同的丛林藤蔓,纤维,茎和叶制成,用于部落人民的日常生活:储存稻田,收获,收集丛林蔬菜和作为捕鱼陷阱。